GeoInstinct Survey OFFICE

Next Generation BIM
GeoInstinct have been early adopters of Building Information Modelling (BIM), with an effective and structured set of processes evolved around data and programming began to bring about efficiencies and maximise capability and quality in terms of deliverable outputs. Evolution and development has continued ever since, which coupled with GeoInstinct’s bespoke approach to projects, now sees us exploring numerous avenues where we can apply our understanding of open digital formats for coding and ‘data mining’ into Machine Learning techniques; to train machines to automate tasks.
Intelligent Models
For existing asset owners, our work so far already paves the way for a client’s ability to instigate efficient and timely data driven predictive maintenance or intervention, long before a failure situation might occur. This is important for clients with business critical assets, those operating in highly regulated industries or with ‘intelligent client’ obligations.

GeoInstinct’s data capture specialists are using AI to create smarter construction solutions through the use of drones surveying sites, photogrammetry, point cloud, GIS, creating an intelligent 3D live as-built scenario and extracting data to check compliance, also to plan and quantify construction activities. A process which typically took weeks, can now be completed in hours.